Fabricio Villalobos
- Climate drives global functional trait variation in lizards
- Combining Geographic Distribution and Trait Information to Infer Predator-Prey Species-Level Interaction Properties
- Contrasting biogeographical patterns of threatened vertebrates on islands emerge from disparities between expert-derived maps and Global Biodiversity Information Facility data
- Effects of habitat loss on Brazilian primates: assessing extinction thresholds in the Amazon and Atlantic Forest
- Evolutionary rescue and geographic range shifts under climate change for global amphibians
- Expanding protected areas in a Neotropical hotspot
- Global patterns of phylogenetic beta-diversity components in angiosperms
- Humboldt's legacy: explaining the influence of environmental factors on the taxonomic and phylogenetic diversity of angiosperms along a Neotropical elevational gradient
- Knowledge shortfalls' interactions shadow our perception of species' exposure to human threats
- Lessons from comparative primatology for understanding trait covariation and diversity in evolutionary ecology
- Robustness of Bergmann's and Rapoport's rules to different geographical range estimates in New World pit vipers
- Scale of population synchrony confirms macroecological estimates of minimum viable range size
- Seasonal distribution analysis of five lasiurine bat species: clues to migration patterns and behavior
- Species-level drivers of avian centrality within seed-dispersal networks across different levels of organisation
- Temperature dissimilarity drives flower-visitor interaction turnover across elevation in the Mexican Transition Zone
- Vipers on the Scene: Assessing the Relationship Between Speciation and Climatic Niche Evolution in Venomous Snakes (Reptilia: Viperidae)
- Alpha and beta phylogenetic diversities jointly reveal ant community assembly mechanisms along a tropical elevational gradient
- Amphibian Diversity of the Yucatan Peninsula: Representation in Protected Areas and Climate Change Impacts
- Amphibian species richness and endemism in tropical montane cloud forests across the Neotropics
- Can secondary forests mitigate the negative effect of old-growth forest loss on biodiversity? A landscape-scale assessment of two endangered primates
- Climate and human influence shape the interactive role of the honeybee in pollination networks beyond its native distributional range
- Current and future geographic patterns of bird diversity dimensions of the Yucatan Peninsula and their representativeness in natural protected areas
- Current climate and latitude shape the structure of bat-fruit interaction networks throughout the Neotropical region
- Evolutionary dynamics of climatic niche influenced the current geographical distribution of Viperidae (Reptilia: Squamata) worldwide
- Global trends in the trophic specialisation of flower-visitor networks are explained by current and historical climate
- Insufficient protection and intense human pressure threaten islands worldwide
- Physical constraints on thermoregulation and flight drive morphological evolution in bats
- The agony of choice: Species richness and range size in the determination of hotspots for the conservation of phyllostomid bats
- The Impact of the Honeybee Apis mellifera on the Organization of Pollination Networks Is Positively Related with Its Interactive Role throughout Its Geographic Range
- A Cautionary Note on Phylogenetic Signal Estimation from Imputed Databases
- Annual precipitation predicts the phylogenetic signal in bat-fruit interaction networks across the Neotropics
- Biogeographical origin effects on exotic plants colonization in the insular flora of Japan
- Different elevational environments dictate contrasting patterns of niche evolution in Neotropical Pithecopus treefrog species
- Effects of evolutionary time, speciation rates and local abiotic conditions on the origin and maintenance of amphibian montane diversity
- Evolutionary and environmental drivers of species richness in poeciliid fishes across the Americas
- Metacommunity structure reveals that temperature affects the landscape compositional patterns of avian malaria and related haemosporidian parasites across elevations
- Patterns and drivers of leaf-litter ant diversity along a tropical elevational gradient in Mexico
- Regional deforestation drives the impact of forest cover and matrix quality on primate species richness
- The evolution of critical thermal limits of life on Earth
- The phylogenetic diversity and structure of the seasonally dry forests in the Neotropics
- Insect responses to heat: physiological mechanisms, evolution and ecological implications in a warming world
- Macroecology and macroevolution of body size in Anolis lizards
- Mexico ants: incidence and abundance along the Nearctic-Neotropical interface
- Mountains: how they are defined and their importance for biodiversity and humanity
- Phylogenetic structure of geographical co-occurrence among New World Triatominae species, vectors of Chagas disease
- Priority areas for conservation of and research focused on terrestrial vertebrates
- RETRACTION: The evolutionary history of colour polymorphism in Ischnura damselflies (Retraction of Vol 71, Pg 554, 2020)
- Species geographical co-occurrence and the effect of Grinnellian and Eltonian niche partitioning: The case of a Neotropical felid assemblage
- Species-level drivers of mammalian ectoparasite faunas
- Testing Darwin's naturalization conundrum based on taxonomic, phylogenetic, and functional dimensions of vascular plants
- The evolutionary history of colour polymorphism in Ischnura damselflies (Odonata: Coenagrionidae)
- Unveiling geographical gradients of species richness from scant occurrence data
- A dark scenario for Cerrado plant species: Effects of future climate, land use and protected areas ineffectiveness
- A macroecological approach to evolutionary rescue and adaptation to climate change
- Biological traits, phylogeny and human footprint signatures on the geographical range size of passerines (Order Passeriformes) worldwide
- Climatic niche evolution in turtles is characterized by phylogenetic conservatism for both aquatic and terrestrial species
- Drainage network position and historical connectivity explain global patterns in freshwater fishes' range size
- Drivers of Phylogenetic Assemblage Structure of the Furnariides, a Widespread Clade of Lowland Neotropical Birds
- Drivers of Phylogenetic Assemblage Structure of the Furnariides, a Widespread Clade of Lowland Neotropical Birds (vol 193, pg e41, 2019)
- Reconciling Darwin's naturalization and pre-adaptation hypotheses: An inference from phylogenetic fields of exotic plants in Japan
- Climatic and evolutionary factors shaping geographical gradients of species richness in Anolis lizards
- Geographic variation in the relationship between large-scale environmental determinants and bat species richness
- Global priority areas for amphibian research
- GlobTherm, a global database on thermal tolerances for aquatic and terrestrial organisms
- Changes in the realized niche of the invasive succulent CAM plant Furcraea foetida
- Contrasting evidence of phylogenetic trophic niche conservatism in mammals worldwide
- Evolution of the anuran foam nest: trait conservatism and lineage diversification
- Geographical diversification and the effect of model and data inadequacies: the bat diversity gradient as a case study
- Global patterns of mammalian co-occurrence: phylogenetic and body size structure within species ranges
- Integrating selection, niche, and diversification into a hierarchical conceptual framework
- Macroecology in Mexico: history, progress and perspectives
- Phylogenetic conservatism of climatic niche in bats
- Spatial dimension of body size evolution in Pterosauria: Bergmann's rule does not drive Cope's rule
- Structural bias in aggregated species-level variables driven by repeated species co-occurrences: a pervasive problem in community and assemblage data
- The geographical diversification of Furnariides: the role of forest versus open habitats in driving species richness gradients
- Using worldwide edaphic data to model plant species niches: An assessment at a continental extent
- Disentangling the Role of Climate, Topography and Vegetation in Species Richness Gradients
- Environmental niche drives genetic and morphometric structure in a widespread bat
- Phylogenetic fields through time: temporal dynamics of geographical co-occurrence and phylogenetic structure within species ranges
- letsR: a new R package for data handling and analysis in macroecology
- The best of both worlds: Phylogenetic eigenvector regression and mapping
- The Effect of Host-Plant Phylogenetic Isolation on Species Richness, Composition and Specialization of Insect Herbivores: A Comparison between Native and Exotic Hosts
- Body Size, Extinction Risk and Knowledge Bias in New World Snakes
- Co-diversity and co-distribution in phyllostomid bats: Evaluating the relative roles of climate and niche conservatism
- Forest structure drives global diversity of primates
- Latitudinal gradients of genus richness and endemism and the diversification of New World bats
- Morphological diversity at different spatial scales in a Neotropical bat assemblage
- Is Rich and Rare the Common Share? Describing Biodiversity Patterns to Inform Conservation Practices for South American Anurans
- Phylogenetic fields of species: cross-species patterns of phylogenetic structure and geographical coexistence
- Range-diversity plots for conservation assessments: Using richness and rarity in priority setting
- The crucial role of the accessible area in ecological niche modeling and species distribution modeling
- The diversity field of New World leaf-nosed bats (Phyllostomidae)
- Correlative approach
- Ecogeographic Rules
- Exercises' Data
- Null models
- Range-Diversity approach
- Spatial Filters
- Species Distributions
- Species Richness & Scales