Gerardo Dirzo Uribe

Gerardo Dirzo Uribe

PhD Student

Instituto de Ecología, A.C.

I am Biologist from the FCB-UAEM, where I modeled the niche and distribution of Volcano Rabbit (Romerolagus diazi) at different spatial scales. I obtained my Master degree in the CIByC-UAEM, where I assessed the niche conservatism of genus Rhogeessa (Chiroptera). Currently, I am PhD student at INECOL. My present work focus on assessing the relationship between Grinnellian and Eltonian Niche Breadth with patterns of richness and geographic distribution of phyllostomid bats (Phyllostomidae). My main academic interests are trying to understand the patterns of distribution, diversification and richness of species at large scales, through a macroecological and macroevolutionary approach, using mammals as an object of study (particularly bats).


  • Bats
  • Mammals
  • Macroecology


  • PhD in Biological Sciences, ongoin

    Instituto de Ecología, A.C.

  • MSc in Integrative Biology of Biodiversity and Conservation, 2021

    Centro de Investigación en Biodiversidad y Conservación, UAEM