Welcome to our lab’s website

Our lab focuses on the intersection between macroecology and macroevolution, considering macroecological patterns under an evolutionary perspective and evolutionary patterns and processes on a spatial context. In short, we work with macroecological theory and methods integrating macroecology with phylogenetic approaches to understand geographic patterns of biodiversity. We are based at the Evolutionary Biology Network of Instituto de Ecología A.C. - INECOL, Mexico . We are also part of the Ecology & Evolution Graduate Program of the Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG), Brazil. We support the PEEER initiative for a #BetterPublishing system

Our research interests comprise a broad array of topics related to the fields of macroecology, macroevolution, biogeography, community and theoretical ecology, ecophylogenetics, phylogenetic comparative methods and conservation biology. We are particularly interested in studying geographic patterns of biodiversity and the structure of ecological communities as well as understanding the causes that originate, maintain and alter such patterns. We focus mainly on vertebrates, but also work with other taxa including insects and plants. Currently, we integrate ecological and evolutionary approaches to study biogeographic and phylogenetic patterns, their relationship with the environment and the application of such studies to informed conservation assessments and actions.


  • Macroecology
  • Biogeography
  • Macroevolution
  • Conservation Biogeography
  • Spatial statistics
  • Phylogenetic Comparative Methods

Meet the Team

Principal Investigators


Fabricio Villalobos

Lab coordinator - Investigador Titular C, SNI III

Macroecology, Biogeography, Macroevolution, Conservation Biology


Luis D. Verde Arregoitia

Assistant Researcher - Tecnico Titular A - SNI I

Mammals, Ecomorphology, Macroecology, R programming, Data Science

Grad Students


Alejandro Sánchez Barradas

PhD Student

Biotic Interactions, Carnivores, Macroecology


Carlos Marín

PhD Student

Lizards, Herpetology, Macroevolution, Systematics of Amphibians and Reptiles


Diana M. Ochoa-Sanz

PhD Student

Bats, Trophic Ecology, Macroevolution


Gerardo Dirzo Uribe

PhD Student

Bats, Mammals, Macroecology


Juliana Herrera Pérez

PhD Student

Ichthyology, , Macroecology, Macroevolution


Kevin Lopez Reyes

PhD Student

Herpetology, Ecological Niche/Species Distributions, Species richness gradients


Martin Cabrera

PhD Student

Mammals, Bats, Ecomorphology, Macroecology, Macroevolution


Monserrat Juárez

MSc Student

Carnivores, Anthropogenic impact, Macroecology


Roberto Ruiz

PhD Student

Bats, Bioacoustics, Macroecology, Landscape Ecology, Science outreach



Carmen Galán Acedo

Visiting researcher

Landscape ecology, Primatology, Spatial patterns


Gabriel Massaine Moulatlet

PostDoc Researcher

Numerical Ecology, Macroecology, Diversity gradients, Environmental Impact Assessments


Jessica Falcão

Assistant researcher

Exotic plants, Invasion ecology, Insect-plant interaction



Axel Arango

PhD alumni

Biogeography, Birds, Macroevolution


Ana Berenice García Andrade

PhD alumni

Ichthyology, Poecilids, Macroecology, Macroevolution


Citlalli Edith Esparza Estrada

PhD alumni

Herpetology, Snakes, Biogeography, Macroecology


Egon Luis Vilela do Valle

PhD Student

Macroecology, Evolution, Bats, Bioacustics


Erick J. Corro

PhD alumni

Biotic interactions, Statistics, Spatial patterns


Juan D. Carvajal-Quintero

PhD alumni

Freshwater systems, Fishes, Macroecology


Laura Saldívar Burrola

MSc alumni

Mammalogy, Landscape ecology, Macroecology

Research lines

(Evolutionary) Macroecology

Macroecological patterns under an evolutionary perspective

Conservation Biogeography

Biogeographical and macroecological tools to inform conservation plans

Macroecology of Interactions

Investigating macroecological patterns of species interactions


Macroevolutionary patterns across space and time


Capability of big data to capture threatened vertebrate diversity in protected areas

Protected areas (PAs) are an essential tool for conservation amid the global biodiversity crisis. Optimizing PAs to represent species …

Areas of endemism of the orchids of Megamexico: Hotspots of biotic interactions with pollinators

Ecological interactions and evolutionary processes in areas of endemism remain little studied despite the fact that identifying the …

Macroecologia INECOL 2024

Ejercicios prácticos en R

Correlative approach and scale effects

Enfoque correlativo y escalas Macroecología Instituto de Ecología, A.C. - INECOL NOTA: Tienen que cargar el “workspace” (archivo .RData) del ejercicio anterior pues este tiene los objetos que usaremos en este ejercicio.

Ecogeographic Rules

Reglas Ecogeográficas: el caso de Rapoport Macroecología Instituto de Ecología, A.C. - INECOL Regla de Rapoport Obtener el atributo de interés: tamaño del área de distribución/range size (usando los datos de los carnívoros del ejercicio de las distribuciones geográficas) Cargar el paquete letsR

Exercises' Data

Software/paquetes de R Datos para los ejercicios

Null models

Modelos nulos en el ensamblaje de comunidades Macroecología Instituto de Ecología, A.C. - INECOL ¿Cuáles son las preguntas? 1) ¿Los ensamblajes de especies observados son distintos a muestras aleatorias? “nulo nulo” 2) ¿Los ensamblajes de especies observados son distintos a muestras aleatorias más restringidas?

Phylogenetic Diversity

Diversidad filogenética y rPD La diversidad filogenética es calculada como la suma de las longitudes de rama de las especies que co-ocurren en un ensamblaje regional. Los residual obtenidos entre PD y Riqueza es un proxi para identificar eventos evolutivos importantes (especiación, extinción o dispersión) y nos ayudan a inferir como estos han constribuido alos patrones de diversidad que observamos.
